My February roster looks like that :
1) 19 hours layover in Frankfurt
2) Turnaround to Iran
3) 33 hours layover in London
4) 30 hours layover in Sydney
5) 35 hours layover in Dublin
6) Turnaround to Karachi
7) Turnaround to Cairo
So let me tell you something about every one of those flights:
Frankfurt : Flight was nice and easy. I flew with 3 of my friends which made the flight much more fun. We stayed at the hotel that is about 15 minutes drive from downtown so me and 2 of my friends decided to go out at night and see a little bit of the city. We had fabulous dinner at one of the traditional German restaurants and we've seen only a little bit of the town, because we were to tired and to cold to walk much more.
Iran : ehhh nothing special ... just regular flight without any unusual events.
London: yeah... two words : FERRY FLIGHT !!! Let me explain... Ferry flight is an empty flight that still needs to be operated by minimum crew. So the deal was that the Royal Family of Abu Dhabi, requested this aircraft to fly them back from London to Abu Dhabi... The aircraft was throughly cleaned and prepared to have them on board, so me and the rest of the crew had to deliver this aircraft to London.
Just imagine... 7 hours of doing nothing... we just slept and watched movies ...nice !!! After we landed, 4 Cabin Managers, 4 Food and Beverages Managers and 12 FJ ( first and business class operating cabin crew with Inspired Service training) took over the aircraft to fly the Royal Family back to Abu Dhabi... that's what I call first class service !!!
On our way back we operated a regular flight.. but it was quite easy and chill .... so no problems encountered there .. thank God .. LOL
Sydney: I'M IN LOVE WITH AUSTRALIA !!! seriously.... I've never seen this many different shades of green in my life. After being in AD for past 3 months and seeing the deserts and sand everywhere... going to Sydney reminded me of what I miss the most - the green nature !!!
The weather was sooo bad in Australia.. nobody expected to see so much rain there... but they needed it because it was a dry season for them... and the forest fires were getting out of control.
I had one of my closest friends on the flight so we had a lot of fun together... we went to see town and later at night went to the clubs and bars and just seen the night life of this fabulous place.
The best part about this layover was the hotel- Double Tree hotel.. let me tell you... my window view .... WOW : the Opera house itslef and the ferry boats and the harbor bridge... couldn't ask for more.
The flight was really long but really easy at the same time. I'd do it any time !!!
Dublin: ohhh.. what a nice place.... easy flight... great crew... pure pleasure.
Me and about 6 of the crew members went out to a great night on town.. had a great dinner, went to a pub to have a nice Guinness beer.. and came back to the hotel a little tipsy LOL.. don't worry... we still had a lot of time before our return flight to get sober LOL. The rule at our airline is that we can't drink within 12 hours before the flight... sometimes they even do random alcohol tests... like my friend last week went to his flight and at the briefing they asked the whole crew to have the test done. You never know when it will happen to you.. so better not drink within those time limits.
Karachi: easy.. quick and painless LOL
Cairo: I was pulled of a home standby to operate this flight... so I was totally unprepared on what to expect. I heard some horror stories about Cairo flights, but mine was totally fine. The crew was quite good... the pax medical emergencies and no security issues LOL quite a good flight.
I'll try to keep you all posted on my future randevouz !!!!
For now enjoy some pics from my earlier mentioned flights :
Sydney- right before landing

Sydney- view from my hotel window

Sydney- at the galley

On our Ferry Flight to London

Iran Flight

The Best Crew on my Frankfurt Flight


Best restaurant in Temple Bar area !!!

Crew at play :)